Wasted food definitely means wasted money. Getting smart on your buying choices can get you save a lot of money and save food which can be a blessing to other famished souls. To get started on this, you must unlearn one thing that greatly influences everybody's food conception. You must unlearn shopping for without a planned menu or at least a list of foods to buy. Moving forward, here are additional practices you can observe.
- No shopping when you're hungry.
- Always check on the best before or expiry date.
- Refrain from overbuying. Once you buy more than you need, they will just end up rotting in the refrigerator.
- Replace meat with fruits and vegetables in your to-buy list (whenever possible).
- Buy local. Imported food items usually cost more.
- Choose vegetables that will be ripe just in time you need them too.
- Stick with your list. Do not buy anything that is not in it.
- Avoid buying foods in individual serving. Always buy in bulk.
- Take a second look at store brands. If there is no big difference in the taste and quality, store brands would do.
- No shopping when you're hungry.
- Always check on the best before or expiry date.
- Refrain from overbuying. Once you buy more than you need, they will just end up rotting in the refrigerator.
- Replace meat with fruits and vegetables in your to-buy list (whenever possible).
- Buy local. Imported food items usually cost more.
- Choose vegetables that will be ripe just in time you need them too.
- Stick with your list. Do not buy anything that is not in it.
- Avoid buying foods in individual serving. Always buy in bulk.
- Take a second look at store brands. If there is no big difference in the taste and quality, store brands would do.