You can't just borrow money blindly. Ignorance and lack of planning can be very expensive when it comes to your finances. If you're considering to get a loan, read these insights first. Define your reason for borrowing money - Are you borrowing money just to satisfy an immediate desire or to support a budget shortfall? Borrowing money to solve any of the two won't be beneficial for you. You will end up with unnecessary interests and into a cycle of debt respectively. Define your capability to payback - Can you make periodic payments later? Even though you're going to use your loan for business purposes or to make more money, you must make sure that you will be able to pay or else you will have an outstanding debt. Be aware of all the costs of borrowing money - How is your loan going to be calculated? What about the interest rate? If you don't know the answers to these questions, you will be surprised that you could be paying more than you expected. Stu...