Do you have kids who spend money like crazy? It is not yet too late to teach them how to manage their money effectively regardless of their age. As a parent, you just have to be determined to teach them financial skills from which they can benefit for the rest of their adult lives. So, how do you start with this? Here are some ideas. Introduce piggy banks - Instead of buying the toy they want from your spare money, encourage them child to save up in a piggy bank. Use the toy as their goal for saving up. This will teach them a lot of skills and virtues as well like delayed gratification, patience, self-control, frugality, planning and budgeting. Teach your kids the value of earning their own money - When they get older, kids cannot spend their whole lives depending on you for their needs and financial problems. Is there a chore that they are capable of doing after school hours or during weekends? Encourage them to accomplish those chores regularly in exchange for a few doll...