Getting out of debt is a dilemma confronting most singles and couples today. According to a number of surveys, the varied technological advancements make it easy for people to incur debts. The latest gadgets emerging left and right encourage consumers to spend even though they do not have money at hand. Also, the internet prods consumers to purchase on impulse with just one click on the shop online button. While there is a grain of truth in both ideas, having financial liabilities is oftentimes a matter of personal choice. There are, of course, exemptions to this. A clear example of such exemptions is debt incurred due to sudden mishaps. Getting out of debt is doable. However, erasing all your debts may take longer than the time you spent gaining them. A firm decision to be debt-free is the best way to start. With that, you must also decide to stop acquiring expenses that can lead to additional liabilities. Do you have a credit card? At this point, you probably know what to do wit...